Greetings Lehigh Valley Pastors and Ministry Leaders,

I have three things to share with you today.

  1. MARCH 6, 2024: March Monthly Meeting
    With the first of March here, it is nearly time for us to gather together once again. This month I have the pleasure of hosting you all myself at Living Stone Fellowship located at 6925 Flint Hill Road. New Tripoli PA. 18066. The meeting will start at 12 noon with a time of corporate prayer, followed by fellowship and lunch in addition to our normal exchange of information and prayer for one another, this month we will hear from Pastor Larry Burd about his resent trip towards the South Pole. The food is going to be good, but the fellowship is going to be even better, especially if you are there, so please join us.
  2. APRIL 3, 2024: Prayer Summit V
    Please plan on being at the join Share the Power and One Voice Prayer Summit. This is the 5th Prayer Summit we will be having. It will be on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, from 8am to 3pm
    At the Calvary Temple Lobby located at 3436 Winchester Rd, Allentown, PA 18104. This is taking the place of our regular April monthly meeting. So, if you can only join us at the regular time, please still sign up and come for the time you can be there. It is free but we need you to sign up for the food count. Please click on Going on our Facebook page ( or send us an email to let us know you will be attending.
  3. APRIL 19, 2024: Annual Fund Raising Dinner
    Please save the Date Friday April 19 at 6pm is the Annual Share the Power Fundraise Dinner. It will be at 6pm at Calvary Baptist Church located at 5300 Green Pond Rd, Easton, PA 18045. More information and how to sign up will be released in the coming days.

God Bless you and we look forward to seeing you at these three great gatherings!

Markus Huyssen
STP Executive Director