STP 32nd Annual Fundraiser Dinner Celebration

Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 6PM
Calvary Baptist Church
5300 Green Pond Road
Easton, PA. 18045
Your attendance will be rewarded with an excellent buffet style dinner including three entrees, salad, veggies, desert, coffee, tea, etc. There will also be wonderful music, testimonies, a timely message, and great fellowship as you help us celebrate 31 years of serving pastors, churches, and ministry leaders across Lehigh Valley. Please join us on this great evening!
Reserve your Place Today!
Note: There is no up-front cost for the dinner, but a free will offering will be taken during the evening to cover the expenses and support the ministry of STP as we continue to foster unity, transformation, and revival to our region. All monetary gifts are tax deductible in accordance with our 501(c)3 status.