Dear Pastors & Ministry Leaders:
Happy Valentine’s Day – Due to the Snow storm, our next monthly meeting is this coming Wednesday, February 10 at Life in Christ Church, 51 Hillmond St, Bethlehem. The meeting which will start at 12:30 is hosted by Pastor Norman Carlisle. Again, there will be no food served until the pandemic passes. We are following CDC guidelines for masking and safe distancing. We have been praying for our country, our state, and our Valley and will continue to do so until we see a breakthrough in the Spirit.
Isaiah 60 says: “darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the people.” We are living through this right now as is witnessed by the attack on the First Amendment. Truth has given way to lying and facts are no longer believed. We need to continue to appeal to heaven in prayer for our government officials, and that peace comes to our country. If you can’t be at the meeting, can you join us in your home from 12:30 to 1:30 as we pray for God’s favor upon America.
I hope to see many of you this coming Wednesday. The snowstorm is upon us so stay safe the next few days.