Wednesday January 6 @ 12 noon
Life in Christ Church, 51 Hillmond St, Bethlehem
Greetings and Happy New Year to you all. Let’s pray that 2021 is a year of redemption after this very challenging past year. Our January meeting will be concentrating on several prayer points and setting the tone for the new year ahead. We are gathering at Life in Christ Church, 51 Hillmond St, Bethlehem. Pastor Norman Carlisle will be hosting us.
CDC Guidelines will be in effect and no food will be served. I can’t wait until we get back to those pizza lunches!! There is plenty of free on street parking. Hope to see you there this Wednesday. Nothing fancy about this meeting – let’s just get together and pray. Meeting starts at 12:30.
Blessings in the New Year.
Dick Kovach
President, STP