Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, Moravian Village has had to cancel our dinner event. They are not allowing any outside activities until this virus situation is eradicated. We will reshedule the Annual Fund Raiser Dinner after things have normalized once again. Thank you so much for your support for Share the Power. We are praying for you, your family and ministry!
God Bless you,
Dick Kovach
President of Share the Power
Join us on April 25, 2020 at the Moravian Village of Bethlehem located at 634 E Broad St, Bethlehem, PA 18018, at 6pm for an evening of Fun, Food and Fellowship. The dinner is free, but an offering will be received at the end of the evening.
Sample of Meal Dining Room National Anthem and songs by Liberty High School Trumpets (2019) Lehigh Valley Harmonizers 2019 Entertainment